Global Game Jam 2017
2017 was Seattle Indies’ second year hosting a site for Global Game Jam (a world-wide event where attendees have 48-hour to create a game), and our most put-together yet! Thanks to the indefatigable efforts of our organizers, Tim Cullings, Chad Jenkins, and Ray Grice, we saw 70 attendees and 14 games emerge victorious from one impressive weekend!
Kudos to our speakers Jenn Sandercock, Alex Schearer, Chad Jenkins, and Ryan Ike for delivering short talks at the start of the jam with tips, advice, and general motivation for the jammers. And of course, shout out to event sponsors, IME Law and Voya Financial for supplying attendees with enough resources and food to keep going for 48 hours!
Without any further ado – check out and play the games made at GGJ17!